Vitamin K2 Overview
Vitamin K2 Overview
Today it is increasingly recognized that most individuals are subject to at least one of a grouped set of nutritional deficiencies surrounding both magnesium and the fat soluble vitamins. Perhaps the most important of these is the newly discovered widespread deficiency of both magnesium and vitamin K2. The entire grouped family of fat soluble nutrients were termed “Fat Soluble Activators” by Weston A. Price in the late 1930’s and early 40’s. He postulated an unknown compound, he named “activator X”, within this group that was responsible for the primary health effects he observed. It was not until 2004 that the connection was made that “activator X” was vitamin K2-MK4.

Nearly 70 years before, Dr. Price brilliantly and conclusively outlined the mechanism of biological creation and sources of activator X, as well as the combined impact of the entire fat soluble group of nutrients on both human health and genetics in his book, “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”. In today’s society, there are a variety of reasons most people are deficient in one or more of these critical nutrients.
multi-nutrient Regenesis™
The multi-nutrient Regenesis™ formulas from Genesis Biohealth are designed to allow users to quickly and effectively close these critical nutrient gaps and accelerate the body’s healing processes. Our products work by helping the body to completely activate and express the built in VKDP biochemistries coded in the DNA.

For instance, magnesium is not replaced into the soil as part of industrial farming practices. Humans, animals, fruits and vegetables are all magnesium deficient today relative to base levels 100 years ago. Likewise the mistaken “Low Fat” phenomenon over the last 50 years, coupled with the use of high density feed lot based urban meat and dairy production, has deprived the entire food supply of newly discovered to be critical vitamin K2-MK4. As it turns out, K2-MK4, in concert with magnesium and the other fat soluble vitamins, is vitally important for activating a wide range of mission critical enzymes in the human body called “Vitamin K Dependent Proteins”, or VKDP for short. Figure 1 shows a VKDP, Factor VIIa, used in blood clotting.
Figure 1 – Activated Factor VIIa, a VKDP used in blood clotting. Until the vitamin molecule can activate this large enzyme, it will not work. However, it is the enzyme that does the clotting job, not vitamin K.
Figure 1 – Activated Factor VIIa, a VKDP used in blood clotting. Until the vitamin molecule can activate this large enzyme, it will not work. However, it is the enzyme that does the clotting job, not vitamin K.

Genesis Biohealth has created a balanced blend of activators and a multi-product system allowing users to easily and conveniently provide their bodies with the right combination of fat soluble nutrients needed to fuel maximum production of these critical enzymes. When the body begins to have its repair systems re-activated to full strength and the correpsonding cellular repair processes begin to fix the body again, we call this process “Regenesis”. As a result of the positive impact our products can have on this process, we have given them this same name.
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