Benefits of Vitamin K2-MK4
Vitamin K2-MK4 is critical to development, health, and aging due to its involvement in cellular healing, repair, and maintenance processes for virtually the entire body (insert this first sentence into latin on image below). It is one of the most critically important nutrients in the human body.
Vitamin K2’s actions are intertwined in a complex web of processes at the core of the body’s regulatory and restorative biochemistry surrounding the cellular life cycle including:
• Cardiovascular Health
• Diabetes & Metabolic Health
• Osteoporosis & Skeletal Health
• Immune System & Anti-Cancer
• Brain & Nervous System
• Energy, Moods & Hormones
• Anti-Aging & Healthy Skin
• Athletic Performance & Recovery

Vitamin K2 Deficiency
Because the typical diet & food supply for modern society do not contain enough of these nutrients, we fall victim to a range of age-related disorders that did not exist in many societies in earlier times. Ultimately, deficiency leads to the body’s inability to keep pace with the rate of age or stress-related damage.
Increasingly, studies are showing a broad range of diseases and disorders that can be linked to vitamin K2-MK4 and magnesium status.
• Cardiovascular Disease
• Diabetes
• Osteoporosis
• Alzheimer’s
• Depression
• Arthritis
• Restless Leg Syndrome
• Tremors or Palsies
• Gingivitis & Dental Cavities
• Spider & Varicose Veins
• Psoriasis/Eczema
• Blood Pressure
• Cancer
• Tendonitis
• Joint Aches & Pains
• Gall / Kidney Stones
• Low Hormones
• Obesity
• Many more

Shop Vitamin K2 Supplements
Genesis BioHealth is committed to offering you the safest, most effective products, offering a broad spectrum impact at a low daily cost. Therefore, we utilize the MK4 form of vitamin K2 in all of our Regenesis Products. This form is able to activate the full range of bodily functions in comparison to other forms (learn more here).
Shop Regenesis K2 products individually or maximize your results with our full Regenesis Protocol. Our protocol is specifically designed to deliver vitamin K2 and these commonly deficient critical nutrients in symphony with each other. It is customizable to the individual and adaptable over time.