Battling Seasonal Allergies Naturally with Nutrition & Targeted Supplements

Battling Seasonal Allergies Naturally with Nutrition and Targeted Supplementation

It is now widely recognized as “pollen season” in Houston and many areas. This means that those impacted with seasonal allergies find themselves stuffed up, sneezing, itching, with irritated eyes, ears, sinuses, and throat, walking around with brain fog. In the past, we would often head straight to the store and pick up antihistamines to deal with these symptoms. Antihistamines block histamine receptors and help reduce the symptoms above and more.


While taking antihistamines can reduce allergy symptoms, they can also have side effects, including drowsiness, dry mouth, and constipation. Long-term use of certain antihistamines has been shown to cause liver damage and other more serious side-effects. (Lii, 2019). When over-the-counter antihistamines weren’t enough, our doctor would sometimes also prescribe steroids to help with the inflammation. Since we have been using the Regenesis Protocol, however, we have found that we can largely prevent allergies using healthy nutrition.


Our Strategy for Battling Allergies Naturally with Nutrition

In addition to eating a nutrient-dense diet, we make sure to get several hard-to-get critical minerals and vitamins through supplementation. This strategy has become our alternative to antihistamines.  Magnesium, selenium, copper, and zinc, alongside vitamins C, D, A, and K2-MK4 form the core of our targeted supplement strategy.  We also consume many other critical micronutrients more easily available from a well-balanced nutrient dense diet.  All the nutrients we specifically supplement listed above have been conclusively shown to work together to help our immune system fight allergies.


First, we make sure to take a full recommended daily allowance of magnesium for a total of just over 350-400 mg per day. Magnesium is one of the most important things a person can supplement for a wide variety of reasons. Related to allergies, it helps to build B lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell which circulates in the blood and lymph system. These B cells are part of our innate immune system. They act as a surveillance system and help keep the immune system strong (Marchione, 2017).

Magnesium also has been shown to directly decrease histamine levels in the body and fight inflammation due to allergies. In addition, magnesium can help people who have asthma by relaxing smooth muscles lining airways by opening them up. (Ellis, 2013).

Genesis BioHealth’s Magnesium product adds an extra benefit by including Vitamin C, (Magnesium Absorbate). Vitamin C is both a natural antihistamine and antioxidant, which studies show may reduce inflammation and swelling due to allergies. Studies show that taking just 2 grams of Vitamin C per day may reduce histamines by 38% (Danahay, 2021).

Another added benefit of the Genesis BioHealth Magnesium is that we use Magnesium Taurate as a primary ingredient. Studies have recently shown that Taurine, along with many other health benefits, may serve as a treatment for allergies (Zhou, Lu, Li, Wu, Xie, & Feng, 2020).


Essential Minerals

The next mineral in our allergy arsenal is selenium which is critical for antibody production. Selenium is also necessary to make a crucial enzyme that is a powerful antioxidant and destroys free radicals before they can oxidize cells, causing damage. If a person doesn’t get enough selenium, they will have a broad-based drop in their overall immunity, making them even more likely to suffer from allergies.

Also important, and often overlooked as a basic mineral, is copper.  Along with broad based improvements in overall immune response and other essential functions, copper has been shown to specifically help inhibit the release of histamines (Sharma, & Jande 1989)

Finally, we make sure to get our daily allowance of zinc. This mineral is shown to have a specific beneficial effect on allergic and asthma outcomes. A research team at the Allergy and Respiratory Research Group Center for Population Health Sciences at the University of Edinburgh looked at data from 62 reports. The data shows that zinc had a significant positive impact on asthma and allergic outcomes (Marchione, 2017).


Bringing it all together

While the healthy impact on allergies provided by all the other micronutrients listed in the introduction is beyond the scope of this article, each of them has also been conclusively shown to have positive impacts on the allergic response mediated by histamines, mast cells, and other contributing factors.  When they are all present in the body and can work together with no shortages or compromises, allergies, overall immune strength, and holistic health in total is greatly improved.

Overall, we have found that we can get through allergy season much better when we eat well balanced seasonal fruits and vegetables, pastured or wild caught eggs, beef, chicken, pork, and fish. By focusing on balanced nutrition and targeted supplementation, we can significantly reduce or even eliminate our need for medications.

We get our Magnesium, Selenium, Zinc, Copper, and Vitamin C from our Essential Minerals and Magnesium products. We get more C as well as our Vitamins A, D, and K2-MK4 through our Regenesis DA product. We also consume pastured foods rich in vitamin A, K, and D and get healthy doses of sunlight.

In addition to the strong impact on allergies, these nutrients also have many other health benefits.  In short, by using such a strategy, our health has been dramatically improved in many measurable ways, greatly improving our overall quality of life.

Diana Cross




Danahy, Anne. “Vitamin C for Allergies: Effectiveness, Uses, and Precautions.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 2 Mar. 2021, https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/vitamin-c-for-allergies.

Ellis, Lisa. “The Wonders of Magnesium for Allergies.” QualityHealth, 6 Feb. 2013, https://www.qualityhealth.com/allergies-articles/wonders-magnesium-allergies.

Marchione, Dr. Victor. “Boost Immune System: Protect against Allergy Attacks.” Doctors Health Press – Daily Free Health Articles and Natural Health Advice, 12 Dec. 2017, https://www.doctorshealthpress.com/health-articles/banish-allergies-with-these-three-minerals/.

Thomas, Dr. Liji. “Antihistamine Side Effects: When to Stop Taking Allergy Medication.” News, 15 Nov. 2019, https://www.news-medical.net/health/Antihistamine-Side-Effects-When-to-Stop-Taking-Allergy-Medication.aspx.

Zhou J;Lu Y;Li F;Wu W;Xie D;Feng Y; “In Vitro and in Vivo Antiallergic Effects of Taurine on Allergic Rhinitis.” International Archives of Allergy and Immunology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 15 May 2020, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32417836/.

Sharma, S. C.; Jande M. B.; “Inhibition of Mast Cell Histamine Release by Copper”; Arch int Parmacodyn Ther.; May-June 1989; 299:254-68; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2476088/