How much magnesium do I need?

It’s estimated that over 80% of individuals are deficient in magnesium (Mg) which has a broad impact in the body (Benefits of Magnesium). The minimum RDA for magnesium is 400mg/day. Reaching this amount between food and supplements is a starting point for an average size adult.  Unfortunately, it is not just people that are deficient in Mg.  Commercially raised plants and animals also have widespread Mg deficiency so this makes it very difficult to consistently get enough from food alone, even for those that focus on a healthy diet.   This situation makes supplementation a good way to ensure we get enough of this most precious mineral to fuel our bodies. 

While 400 mg of Mg is considered a good initial target, most people find they benefit from significantly higher amounts, often up to 800mg/day.  Regardless of your specific target, personal demand will vary daily. Body size and lifestyle factors also affect magnesium demand.  Here are a few tools to help you dial into your magnesium need:

  • Individuals with higher body mass will need more. You can estimate your difference and dial-up proportionately. Or, you can dial down for smaller individuals or kids.
  • Daily demand increases during times of high stress, activity, disease, or sickness.
  • People with osteoporosis and long-term deficiency need more.

Magnesium Needs Guide:

↑↑↑ Signs you need more magnesium: 

  • Restlessness, cramps, abnormally excitable, irritable, abrupt, hyperactive, twitchy, anxious, racing heart

↓↓↓ Signs to decrease magnesium:

  • Severe diarrhea – cut the dosage 
  • Constipation – stop taking until the inflammation subsides. Reintroduce one capsule at a time to manage symptoms

Building Magnesium Intake Slowly:

People who are magnesium deficient are, unfortunately, often challenged with absorption. Thus, we always stress building slowly, even with our “gut-friendly” formulas. Much like starting a new workout regimen, we often need to push through mild symptoms to acclimate our body to the new steady supply of magnesium.

If you ever have questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]. We’re always happy to also send you our step-by-step guide for a gentle progression.

Learn more about our proprietary magnesium blend without fillers and purchase here.