Regenesis Regimen

Maximize Your Health Benefits
with Regenesis Regimen

Customizable, balanced nutrition targeting nutrients that provide broad health benefits, yet are most deficient in people today. These nutrients work together synergistically to unleash thousands of biochemical reactions in the body.
You are unique. Your Regimen should be, too.
Our bodies handle nutrients uniquely based on genetics, overall health, diet, and more. Our regimen meets you where you are at, starting slowly with customizable building blocks for each individual, adaptable over a lifetime.
How much can health improve if the body is playing with a full deck?
Our mission is to help individuals naturally achieve optimal health. Health can dramatically improve and lives can change when individuals achieve balanced and appropriate levels of micronutrients widely deficient in today’s society, the lack of which leading to premature aging, degeneration, and disease.

Dr. Cross found that the largest plethora of supplement options on the market fell short in providing the full spectrum and purity of nutrients necessary for maximum cellular repair and regeneration. With extensive research and field experience, he developed a proprietary product line that flexibly allows individuals to attain balanced levels of nutrients that work synergistically with maximum absorption. Our products are designed with the sole purpose of delivering maximum health benefits to the end-user.
Select your Regenesis Product, then add Essential Minerals & Magnesium.

Step 1:
Select Regenesis Product

Vitamin K2 (in the form K2-MK4)

Cellular regeneration, calcium metabolism & activator of enzymatic and metabolic function.

Step 2:
Add Essential Minerals

Minerals with the greatest health benefit, yet most difficult to obtain in through diet.

Critical for activating, regulating, and contributing to hundreds of vital physiological processes.

Step 3:
Step 3: Add Magnesium

Pure proprietary blend created for the broadest, gentlest overall health impacts.

Vital to thousands of chemical reactions in the body. Supports relaxation, sleep, energy and helps boost cellular metabolism.

Discover the Right Regenesis Product for You!

Vitamin K2-MK4 is the foundation of all of our Regenesis products, names for this nutrient’s ability to repair and restore throughout the body. Because each body is unique, we offer several fomulations.

Regenesis DA

Perfect for Most
0.5mg of vitamin K2-MK4/capsule

Includes vitamins D, A, C & Mg which work synergistically with the K2 for maximum results, but are commonly low in the general population.


For Individuals on
Nutrient Rich Diet
0.5mg of vitamin K2-MK4/capsule

Includes vitamin C & Mg. Does NOT contain vitamins D & A. Ensure you consume sufficient amounts through diet and sunlight for optimal K2 activation.

Regenesis UL

Best for Very Sensitive
Individuals and Children
0.1mg of vitamin K2-MK4/capsule

Includes vitamin C & Mg. Does NOT contain vitamins D & A. Ensure you consume sufficient amounts through diet and sunlight for optimal K2 activation.

Regenesis LS

Low Dose Liquid for Best for Very Sensitive Individuals and Children
0.1 mg of vitamin K2-MK4/drop

Does NOT contain vitamins D, A, C, or Mg. which work synergistically with the K2 for maximum results. Ensure you consume sufficient amounts through diet and sunlight for optimal K2 activation.

Regenesis TS

Therapeutic Strength
Best for Individuals
Requiring High Doses
(cancerm osteoporosis, etc.)
1.0 mg of vitamin K2-MK4/drop

Does NOT contain vitamins D, A, C, or Mg which work synergistically with the K2 for maximum results. Ensure you consume sufficient amounts through diet and sunlight for optimal K2 activation.

Discover the Right Regenesis Product for You!

Vitamin K2-MK4 is the foundation of all of our Regenesis products, named for this nutrient’s ability to repair and restore throughout the body. Because each body is unique, we offer several formulations.

The perfect start for most people.

0.5mg of vitamin K2-MK4/capsule

Includes vitamins D, A, C & Mg which work synergistically with the K2 for maximum results, but are commonly low in the general population.
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Regenesis DA
with vitamins D & A

Ideal for those on a nutrient rich diet

0.5mg of vitamin K2-MK4/capsule

Includes vitamin C & Mg. Does NOT contain vitamins D & A. Ensure you consume sufficient amounts through diet and sunlight for optimal K2 activation.
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Regular Strength

Ideal for the elderly, very sensitive individuals, or incremental dosing

0.1mg of vitamin K2-MK4/capsule

Includes vitamin C & Mg. Does NOT contain vitamins D & A. Ensure you consume sufficient amounts through diet and sunlight for optimal K2 activation.
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Regenesis UL
Low Strength Liquid

Ideal for individuals requiring a higher dose (i.e. cancer, osteoporosis, etc.).

1.0 mg of vitamin K2-MK4/drop

Does NOT contain vitamins D, A, C, or Mg which work synergistically with the K2 for maximum results. Ensure you consume sufficient amounts through diet and sunlight for optimal K2 activation.
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Regenesis TS
Therapeutic Strength

Ideal for individuals who cannot swallow capsules, or incremental dosing.

0.1 mg of vitamin K2-MK4/drop

Does NOT contain vitamins D, A, C, or Mg. which work synergistically with the K2 for maximum results. Ensure you consume sufficient amounts through diet and sunlight for optimal K2 activation.
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Regenesis LS
Low Dose Liquid
Like an orchestra, the body needs all nutritional players present, but each has its own timing and strength. We equip customers with tools to help you listen to your unique body as it plays a beautiful new melody in response to balanced nourishment.
Get your FREE Getting Started Guide
Like an orchestra, the body needs all nutritional players present, but each has its own timing and strength. We equip customers with tools to help you listen to your unique body as it plays a beautiful new melody in response to balanced nourishment.
Uncompromising Standards for Better Health
  • 100% active ingredients – ZERO detrimental fillers
  • Targeting nutrients that are difficult to sufficiently obtain through the food chain
  • Flexible range of products customizable over time
  • Transparency – labeling by elemental weight 
  • Quality – hand-selecting & testing the highest quality ingredients for purity, potency, & bioavailability
  • Expertly balanced synergy, both individually and throughout the product line = maximum results
  • Healthy lifestyle coaching is available
  • Proudly made in the USA
Save 7.5% when you purchase all three Regenesis Regimen products together!

Tune into your body’s needs! Add a FREE Getting Started Guide to your first order.

Tuning in to your own personal symphony.
Like an orchestra, the body needs all nutritional players present, but each has its own timing and strength. We equip customers with tools to help you listen to your unique body as it plays a beautiful new melody in response to balanced nourishment. Tuning in is a priceless part of the health journey. People often find themselves empowered to influence how they feel for the first time in years!

Your Healthiest Life Tool Box: Our regimen meets you where you are at, starting slowly with customizable building blocks for each individual, adaptable over a lifetime.

Add a Getting Started Guide to your first order for tips on a gentle progression appropriate for the vast majority of individuals. If you are elderly or tend to be very sensitive to medications, please see utilize the Special Guidance section and start with our Regenesis UL product.

Questions? We’re here for you!
If you have questions, please email your questions to ccross@genesis-biohealth.com. You can also sign up for personalized consulting for more in-depth questions and coaching to optimize diet, lifestyle, & nutritional health.
Health Benefits
What clinical research shows.


  • Boosts immune response
  • Supports immune function
  • Supports cellular distress signaling
  • Supports cellular rescue response
  • Supports inter and intra-cellular communication
  • Supports anti-inflammatory cellular mechanisms
  • Aids reduction of inflammation
  • Supports suppression of inflammatory response
  • Supports healthy autoimmune response
  • Improves cellular recognition of pathogens
  • Supports healthy cellular growth & differentiation


  • Helps reduce risk of stroke and heart attack
  • Helps prevent and reduce arterial plaque
  • Supports improved elasticity of blood vessels
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Helps prevent spider and varicose veins
  • Supports healthy cholesterol metabolism
  • Supports healthy fat metabolism


  • Supports healthy, flexible bones
  • Aids bone remodeling and growth
  • Helps reduce joint pain
  • Helps reduce inflammation throughout body
  • Supports improved mobility
  • Supports improved recovery times
  • Aids healthy calcium metabolism

Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome

  • Supports healthy fat and sugar metabolism
  • Helps reduce insulin sensitivity
  • Helps blood sugar control
  • Helps dry skin and itching
  • Supports peripheral blood and nerve function
  • Helps heal diabetic neuropathy


  • Supports nerve repair
  • Aids healthy nerve function
  • Improves nerve conduction
  • Supports improved cognition
  • Supports overall brain health
  • Facilitates better cellular communication
  • Reduces restless leg syndrome
  • Helps stabilize inflamed cells
  • Helps reduce inflammation


  • Boosts energy
  • Helps increase productivity
  • Improves cellular respiration and energy output
  • Supports enhanced production of ATP
  • Improves sleep
  • Aids reduction of hyper-excitable stress response
  • Supports reduction of adrenal fatigue
  • Aids cellular production of all neurotransmitters
  • Aids cellular production of all hormones


  • Helps reduce acne
  • Slows formation of wrinkles
  • Helps improve rosacea
  • Aids reduction of bags under eyes
  • Improves skin texture and elasticity
  • Supports healthy skin and hair
  • Aids reduction of psoriasis/eczema/seborrhea
  • Supports repair of spider veins
  • Assists prevention of varicose veins
man running for athletic perfomance genesis bio health


  • Boosts energy
  • Helps improve recovery time
  • Enhances endurance
  • Improves energy output
  • Supports enhanced production of ATP
  • Supports healthy joints and mobility
  • Improves overall stamina and vitality



  • Boosts immune response
  • Supports immune function
  • Supports cellular distress signaling
  • Supports cellular rescue response
  • Supports inter and intra-cellular communication
  • Supports anti-inflammatory cellular mechanisms
  • Aids reduction of inflammation
  • Supports suppression of inflammatory response
  • Supports healthy autoimmune response
  • Improves cellular recognition of pathogens
  • Supports healthy cellular growth & differentiation


  • Helps reduce risk of stroke and heart attack
  • Helps prevent and reduce arterial plaque
  • Supports improved elasticity of blood vessels
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Helps prevent spider and varicose veins
  • Supports healthy cholesterol metabolism
  • Supports healthy fat metabolism


  • Supports healthy, flexible bones
  • Aids bone remodeling and growth
  • Helps reduce joint pain
  • Helps reduce inflammation throughout body
  • Supports improved mobility
  • Supports improved recovery times
  • Aids healthy calcium metabolism

Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome

  • Supports healthy fat and sugar metabolism
  • Helps reduce insulin sensitivity
  • Helps blood sugar control
  • Helps dry skin and itching
  • Supports peripheral blood and nerve function
  • Helps heal diabetic neuropathy


  • Supports nerve repair
  • Aids healthy nerve function
  • Improves nerve conduction
  • Supports improved cognition
  • Supports overall brain health
  • Facilitates better cellular communication
  • Reduces restless leg syndrome
  • Helps stabilize inflamed cells
  • Helps reduce inflammation


  • Boosts energy
  • Helps increase productivity
  • Improves cellular respiration and energy output
  • Supports enhanced production of ATP
  • Improves sleep
  • Aids reduction of hyper-excitable stress response
  • Supports reduction of adrenal fatigue
  • Aids cellular production of all neurotransmitters
  • Aids cellular production of all hormones


  • Helps reduce acne
  • Slows formation of wrinkles
  • Helps improve rosacea
  • Aids reduction of bags under eyes
  • Improves skin texture and elasticity
  • Supports healthy skin and hair
  • Aids reduction of psoriasis/eczema/seborrhea
  • Supports repair of spider veins
  • Assists prevention of varicose veins


  • Boosts energy
  • Helps improve recovery time
  • Enhances endurance
  • Improves energy output
  • Supports enhanced production of ATP
  • Supports healthy joints and mobility
  • Improves overall stamina and vitality

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We would like to help support your plan to rebuild energy, health, and quality of life.

Discover the Right Regenesis Product for You!

Vitamin K2-MK4 is the foundation of all of our Regenesis products, names for this nutrient’s ability to repair and restore throughout the body. Because each body is unique, we offer several fomulations.

Regenesis DA

Perfect for Most
0.5 mg vitamin K2-MK4
per capsule.


For Individuals on
Nutrient Rich Diet
0.5 mg vitamin K2-MK4
per capsule.

Regenesis UL

Best for Very Sensitive
Individuals and Children
0.1 mg vitamin K2-MK4
per capsule.

Regenesis LS

Low Dose Liquid for Best for Very Sensitive Individuals and Children
0.1 mg vitamin K2-MK4
per drop.

Regenesis TS

Therapeutic Strength
Best for Individuals
Requiring High Doses
(cancerm osteoporosis, etc.)
1.0 mg vitamin K2-MK4
per drop.
To maximize effectiveness of Vitamin K2, ensure adequate intake of magnesium and vitamins D & A. Use this chart to determine what is included in your Regenesis product and whether you need other sources of these nutrients for optimal synergy of nutrients & biochemistry.