Cardiovascular health is critical for quality of life. Whether we want athletic performance or healthy blood pressure, if our heart and its circulatory system are not working properly then we have cause for concern.
Our body, via its DNA and specialized biochemistry, knows how to grow, heal, and maintain its own cardiovascular system to the greatest degree possible. In order to do this effectively, however, it needs the proper conditions and resources. In fact, when we want our cardiovascular system to have the best possible chance to stay in good repair and work well for a lifetime, it needs three primary things continually in abundance:
- Chemical energy
- Basic cellular building blocks
- Shelter from the slow simmer of inflammatory damage
Studies show that the entire cardiovascular system, and the other cells of the body, need an ample supply of fat soluble vitamins, K2-MK4, A and D to ensure our bodies can produce these things. Unlike potassium and calcium, magnesium and vitamin K2-MK4 are no longer adequately present in commercial sources of food, even if one eats a very targeted diet. Recent studies show that approximately 80% of the US population is deficient in magnesium alone. When D, A and K2-MK4 are also factored in, we would expect a similar statistic to show that well over 90% of the US population is deficient in one or more of these primary nutrients. All of these are necessary to fuel the bodies restorative processes. Being deficient in any one of these nutrients, is a sufficient condition to affect cardiovascular health in a significant way.
The fat soluble vitamins, and magnesium, catalyze mechanisms enabling the repair of the cells lining the veins and arteries. As part of this repair process, calcified cells are cleaned and the calcium is shuttled to the skeleton where it belongs. Additionally, inflammation is actively reduced which lessens further calcification and associated damage.
The decalcification of the soft tissues throughout the veins and arteries leads to more supple and elastic tissues. This has the effect of lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. In short, the bodies calcium metabolism, if operating properly, can prevent and in some cases reverse hardening of the arteries, medically known as atherosclerosis.
When the cells lining the veins and arteries become calcified this leads to the formation of plaque which causes blockages. Leading indicators that the cardiovascular repair systems are not working properly include high cholesterol, high blood pressure, rosacea, spider veins and varicose veins. When the repair systems for these cells work effectively, the onset of these symptoms can be delayed. In some cases, improved remodeling rates for the entire cardiovascular system can lead to measurable improvement in all of these symptoms over time.
All of the restorative mechanisms described above depend upon inter-cellular signalling, communications and cooperation between cells, the mechanisms for which are all vitamin K2-MK4 and magnesium dependent.
If these processes are nutrient limited for long enough, the system begins to break down. The attempted response to heal this damage, elevates the production of many enzymes and hormones, including cholesterol, whose job is to help with the repair process. Increased production and repair activity then requires even more nutrient resources. When the body is already nutrient deficient, the repair response is weakened which triggers a downward spiral into disease.
In short, making sure the body consistently gets an ample supply of magnesium, K2-MK4, A and D, will allow the body the resources needed to heal at much improved rates.
Genesis BioHealth’s product line is targeted to help you recover from the ravages of long term fat soluble nutrient deprivation, which is now recognized to be common and present in more than 80% of the western population. We hope you choose to allow us to help you reach your health goals.
To learn more details, visit our “K2 Overview/Science” section.